resound|resounded|resounding|resounds in English


[re·sound || rɪ'zaʊnd]

echo, reverberate, resonate, ring out

Use "resound|resounded|resounding|resounds" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "resound|resounded|resounding|resounds" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "resound|resounded|resounding|resounds", or refer to the context using the word "resound|resounded|resounding|resounds" in the English Dictionary.

1. Becombed They resound with thy day

2. The stadium resounded with cheers.

3. Brother Rutherford’s booming voice resounds through the hall.

4. The horn resounded through the forest.

5. 20 Laughter resounded through the house.

6. Late 16th century from Latin Clangor, from clangere ‘resound’.

7. 4 The stadium resounded with cheers.

8. Plaudits resounded from every part of the senate - house.

9. As he fell, his scream resounded through the canyon.

10. with a resounding “Yes!”

11. This appeal proved a resounding success.

12. The concert hall resounded with cheers and applause.

13. The evening was a resounding success.

14. The plan was a resounding success/failure.

15. Cuba's Balmiest provincial capital, it resounds to the clip-clop of hooves; nearly …

16. The sonorous voice of the priest resounded in the church.

17. Her remarks were met with resounding cheers.

18. 5 Stories of his heroism resounded through the country.

19. The show was a resounding success.

20. The bell made a resounding clang.

21. In the epilogue , the Silk Road resounds with the song of friendship.

22. The people all over the country resounded his lofty moral character.

23. They achieved an immediate and resounding success.

24. The answer appears to be a resounding yes.

25. The film was/scored a resounding success.